Bowden Print Group balances our focus on sustainability management with the eco-market system, the environment, and the community.
Our CSR principles align with the many different targets and objectives of our stakeholders and are considered in all of our management activities to generate differential value in their workflows and processes. This provides a solid foundation for our company’s sustainable growth.
Our principles help to ensure that our business mission, vision and values are put into practice in our day-to-day business.
Code of Ethics: Global Compact
United Nations (UN) Global Compact
In July 2009, Bowden Print Group became the first Australian company in the printing industry to join the UN Global Compact. As a leading South Australian family based company with social responsibilities, we have declared our will to actively participate in solving global societal problems such as labour, human rights, environment, and anti-corruption.
The ten principals of UN Global Compact can be categorised into human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. The main point is to protect international human rights and make efforts not to violate those rights, uphold freedom of association, guarantee the right to collective bargaining, and abolish all forms of forced labour, child labour, and labour discrimination. It also contains responsibilities to prevent various environmental problems, develop green technology, and abolish all forms of corrupt activities such as extortion and bribery. Bowden Print Group, which has already been carrying out various programs in the areas of human rights, labour and the environment, has taken this opportunity of joining the UN Global Compact to internalise corporate responsibilities in conducting business operations. We’ve been implementing programs to organise internal procedures, establish a CSR Risk Management System, create a corporate-wide CSR focus, create an agenda for CSR related tasks, and aim to encourage employees to donate and participate in volunteer work initiatives.