The immediate objective of our CSR management principles is to communicate the diverse voices of our stakeholders in our management actions and to create differentiated value for them which will serve as a strong base for a company’s sustainable evolution.
Commitments for a sustainable future
The Bowden Print Group plans to contribute to sustainable growth by setting objectives and targets that align directly with our CSR Framework and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).
United Nations SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals).
In September 2015, all 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted a plan for achieving a better future for all — laying out a path over the next 15 years to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet. At the heart of “Agenda 2030” are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which clearly define the world we want — applying to all nations and leaving no one behind.
The new Global Goals result from a process that has been more inclusive than ever, with Governments involving business, civil society and citizens from the outset. We are all in agreement on where the world needs to go. Fulfilling these ambitions will take an unprecedented effort by all sectors in society — and business has to play a very important role in the process.
Given this context, we have adopted three Corporate Social Responsibility Objectives & Targets echoing the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Each supports our CSR Framework:
Expanding our Life Cycle Perspective:
- Pursue Zero Carbon
- Reduce the environmental impacts of products and services
Creating a sustainable business ecosystem throughout the supply chain, creating a safer work environment and improving work efficiency.
- Establish a sustainable supply chain
- Establish a decent and safe workplace
Encouraging all employees to participate in activities that contribute to the community.
- Expand contribution to the local community
All of these objectives are leading us to adjust and evolve. This commitment to change and to working as closely as possible with key stakeholders underpins our CSR Framework and our B-Sustainable Initiative: a responsible printing company that champions sustainability.
These are significant and priority objectives and targets on which the Group will report each year.