Several metrics and indicators can be used to measure carbon neutrality, assess the carbon footprint, and track progress towards achieving net-zero emissions. The reduction in our carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, usually expressed in metric tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e), attributed to our selected range of C02 paper stocks and energy sources.
By analysing these metrics, we can estimate the CO2 emissions produced per output unit or activity. Using renewable energy consumption allows us to track the percentage or amount of energy consumed from renewable sources reducing our carbon emissions.
All calculations are based on estimated reductions in CO2 from the use of CO2 Neutrals Papers and renewable resources. Green Energy estimates how many kWh will be used to produce the work.
Current Metrics (calculated May 2023)
- CO2 Reduction Paper: 3.2 kg of CO2 per kilogram of paper*
- CO2 Reduction Renewable energy resources: 7.42 per productive hour
- Green Energy: 12.99 kWh per productive hour
What is Carbon-Neutral paper?
This means the paper was manufactured by a mill that has measured its entire carbon footprint. The amount of greenhouse gases (carbon emissions) they produce, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, manufacturing and transportation through their environmental impact. Any carbon emissions are then offset to zero.
What is Green Energy?
Green Energy, also known as renewable energy or clean energy, refers to energy sources obtained from natural resources that are constantly replenished and have a minimal environmental impact. These energy sources are considered “green” because they produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions or other harmful pollutants compared to traditional fossil fuels.
*Bowden Print Group is a registered user of